Wednesday, September 29, 2010

mulberries and storms

Yay!!!! The first storm of the season and my first at my salon. This photo below is taken from the back door of the salon looking towards Mt Glorious. I just love storms and the first one of the season is always pretty exciting. We actually had a couple go through during the afternoon then more rain and thunder during the night. Aaaaaahhhhh bliss!

The storm was pretty exciting on my first day back at work for the week but the weekend was quite lovely too. No storms but the weather was warming up so off to the park we went for a ride on scooters, bikes, then play time on the swings, slides and twirly things they have there.

It was all pretty exhausting so once we got home it was cold drinks, cold fruit then a nap (for Master M and mum - in the chair I know but I couldn't help myself!).

More fruity fun over the weekend too as we went to visit Aunty S who is home from her holiday. That means some lovely pressies for the kidlettes which is always exciting then it was off to the mulberry tree for some fruit picking time. Master M had a case of 'no like' when he tried a mulberry although I'm not sure if it even made it to his mouth. He did love helping Aunty S with the ladder though.

Little Miss R had an absolute feast and kept filling her little container up. I'm not sure who ate more, her or the dogs but our container full at home kept getting smaller all afternoon so I think she may have won. She's such a little fruit bat! The hands and the mouth were of course completely red as anyone who has feasted on fresh, sweet mulberries will know. I think the most exciting part was sticking out the tongue to see how red it was because she could do it without getting into trouble!!
Not much else planned for the next few days as it's more work for me but if anything does happen I'll be sure to keep you posted. (Especially now that I seem to be a bit organised again!)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Getting back on track

Well I know my blogs have been few and far between lately but I'm starting to feel that my life is getting back on track and starting to settle down. The whole owning my own business thing has been taking up quite a bit of my time as to be expected, and the rest of the time has pretty well been with family.

I'm learning what other full time working mothers have to deal with and it's a bit of a struggle. I'm lucky to have lots of help at home which I know so many people don't have that and I really don't know how they handle it all.

My work has been fantastic. I'm absolutely loving my business and loving the work that I do so much. I always wanted a career where I could look forward to and enjoy going to work each day so it's wonderful to have found one that's just right for me.

Don't you love the little vases in the photo above. I bought them for the salon as candle holders (which they are really) and found that they were the perfect size for some of my small makeup brushes. They're cute and look fantastic on my retail shelves.

The other exciting purchase I've made is some more Natural Compatibles makeup. It's the brand of makeup I use and sell in the salon and I bought some of their lip gloss and applishades. I was a bit taken aback because the lip gloss tubes are quite small but it's so creamy and luscious that you only need the tiniest amount for good coverage. The applishades are little eyeshadow shimmer pens. They're so much fun to use which is why I'm writing about them as I've been having a great time playing with the makeup. All good fun!! (I do know some who probably won't agree with me).

As my life is getting back on track a bit, I'm finding that I now have more time to do some crochet. I haven't done any in ages but over the last couple of weeks I've started on Little Miss R's blanket again.. As you can see from the above photo it's starting to come together and I've probably got about 1/4 of it made. Still lots to go but at least I'm getting back into it. Little Miss R is very happy I'm crocheting again too because she wants her blanket!
I promise I'll keep you posted on more comings and goings from now on. In fact, I've got some photos of the kids picking mulberry's at Aunty S's place over the weekend that I want to share with you all.
Until next time! Warm and sunny smiles for you all.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My salon

I haven't been lost and nothing bad has certainly happened to me, I've just been very busy lately and so finding the time to write on my blog has been very difficult. Lets face it, I've also had a case of the "I couldn't be bothered's too" so that's pretty well why I've been so quiet.

One of the reason's why I've been so busy is that I have bought my own beauty salon. It's a gorgeous little one treatment room salon in the town of Samford, just out of Brisbane and I just love having my own business. I find it quite funny that I had no intention of owning my own business for a few years yet but this one came up and after a bit of a chat with my very supportive husband, I'm now a business woman!

The first 3 photos are various views of the treament room.

Isn't it just gorgeous!

Funnily enough, the decor isn't something I ever would have done myself but I love it and it actually really suits me and the kind of treatments that I'm offering.

The last photo is a view of my reception area. Don't you just love the chandeliers! I'm loving going to work each day, especially when I get to work here.

Samford is such a lovely villagey place too and the clients I have treated so far have been lovely and very encouraging so I think that it's certainly a wonderful place to have a business.

I promise to keep you posted a bit more often on what's going on from now on (I hope!)

Keep smiling.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

This is a little late but a couple of weeks ago (June 26) was my 6th wedding anniversay. Six years and two cute kids later and we're still going. We've had our ups and downs as any couple do but we're still going strong so I just wish to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my honey, even if it is a bit late. Love you!

Just a quick note to say that I know I have been neglecting you all lately but I've been quite busy. Kids, the flu, work and a little bit of other news that I'll tell you about in another week or so once things are a bit close to being finalised. Want to know more? Then keep checking in!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trip away

I've been very busy over the last couple of weeks that I've hardly had a chance to turn my computer on let alone update my blog.

I've been working of course and have been called in a couple of extra days when an emergency has come up so that's been keeping me busy on it's own. Of course the kids are always keeping me on my toes too but the real reason I haven't had much of a chance to write is because hubby and I have been away.

We left last Saturday night after work and headed for Ingham in north Queensland. We made it to Rockhampton just before midnight and were both pretty exhausted so we stayed for the night and headed on the next morning.

Ingham was pretty well how I expected with only a few changes as expected by progress since I was last there. As a child and during my teenage years we spent many family holidays going up to Ingham and more specifically Lucinda on the coast where my mum's uncle lives.

I worked out that it had been 15 years since I'd last been in Ingham and Lucinda and some of the changes were a bit mind boggling but overall the places remained pretty much as I had remembered them.

Lucinda is famous for it's sugar terminal and 6km long jetty that transports the sugar to the cargo ships. It's a bit of a sleepy little coastal town on the mainland at the bottom of Hinchinbrook Island and is also quite well known for the good fishing in the area. You can either fish the Herbert River, the Hinchinbrook channel or go further out to sea and fish around Orpheus and Pelorous Islands or even further afield.

Even though we drove over 2500 kilometres all up to stay just a few days, it was so wonderful to get away and also to go back to an area I love and have so many fond memories of from my childhood.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Oh dear, my camera doesn't seem to want to download so I'm having trouble getting some photos on the computer. I decided to write without photos which may be a little boring but I'm off to work again this arvo and over the next couple of days so I probably won't have much time to write. Didn't want you all to think I was neglecting you.

The kidlettes and I have had a few lovely outings over the last couple of days which has kept them pretty excited. We've had a couple of unexpected trips to Caloundra to take N to the doctor so while she was there we went round to the park beside the beach. That was so much fun climbing, sliding, swinging and making new friends.

Then we had to go down early the next morning too so decided that a rare outing to MacDonalds (or Old McDonalds as Little Miss R calls it), for breakfast and a play. The kidlettes have been really well behaved and a complete delight to be with and I've thoroughly enjoyed our time together.

Today is N's birthday so it's been excitement in our house because it means the kidlettes get to open Grandmas presents. It also means cake which we'll make together soon which much mess I'm sure but it'll be fun.

Hope you all have a great day and when I work out what's going on with the camera/computer, I'll post the photos from the last few days.

Update: Yay, guess what? I've finally got my camera and computer talking together so I'll just pop in a few photos of that lovely day out that I had with the kidlettes.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

In my basket

It's been a very busy week here, mainly with work. I had a product training day and then 3 days at work so it's nice to be having a family day and to get some crochet done. It's been ages since I've had the chance to sit down and do a lot of crochet as I've only been getting the chance to do bits and pieces.

Those bits and pieces though are turning into Little Miss R's blanket. I'm really not sure if I've done the right thing by making every square the same but as I'm joining it together as I go, it's starting to look good. Not great though as I'm not the most brilliant person at putting colours together and it's turning out different to I had expected. Little Miss R likes it and that's what counts isn't it?

I also had my birthday recently and my lovely sister over at Hearts Landscapes made me something special. Don't you love the material?! Evidently Little Miss R picked it out for me. Do you know what it is?

It's all unrolled now but not fully revealed. Are you quivering with excitement just wanting to know what it is? Don't worry, all will be revealed.....

The unveiling!!!

Isn't it gorgeous. No more looking for hooks and scissors which I keep stashing all over the place. I now have a cute little case to put all my crochet hooks, scissors and needles in. Oh the excitement of having this pretty little case made specially or me! Thank you, thank you. Now I just have to find those couple of missing crochet hooks so I can put them in the case too.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lovely weekend

My weekends start on a Sunday these days, especially now that I'm back working and one of my busiest days happens to be a Saturday. That's just the way it goes in the beauty industry but for me Sunday is family day.

This weekend was a particularly gorgeous weekend so we decided to go for a picnic. Instead of going to the coast and the beaches, we headed inland to one of my favourite spots, Little Yabba Creek out near Kenilworth. I remember having many picnics here when I was growing up and now I'm heading out there with my family when the weather is favourable and we find ourselves getting cabin fever.

We didn't head into Kenilworth itself which is the home of a fantastic cheese factory and a great picnic area and playground for the kids. We instead ended up a few kilometres away at Little Yabba Creek which has a lovely picnic ground and bushwalk for us to enjoy with the kids. In summer it's a great spot for having a swim too but it's heading into late autumn and a little too cool for us!! We found out later in the afternoon that our neighbours and their children ventured that way too and braved the waters only to find themselves freezing later!

The walk is only just over a kilometre long and is either bitumen or boardwalk so it's quite user friendly and kid friendly too. Perhaps I should say parent friendly because we don't have to clean off muddy shoes before getting into the car.

And then of course, there was the most exciting bit before we finished our walk and that was seeing a carpet snake beside the track. Little Miss R happened to see this before us, in fact I walked straight past it, but it provided some excitement. Carpet snakes are pretty harmless and I think this one was a bit cold but if it was any other type of snake I can tell you that there's no way I would be stopping to photograph it!

I know that many people think that Australia is a place that is teeming with dangerous animals everywhere you walk but I have to admit that this is only the second time in all my 36 years that I've seen a snake in the wild. I've been on plenty of bushwalks and camping expeditions over that time too I can tell you so it was a pretty exciting moment for not only the kids but for me too. I'm just glad it was the good old carpet snake this time (last time was in Cooktown with my sister and I'm not exactly sure what it was but I do know it was pretty nasty).

I hope you all had a lovely weekend too. Mine was great, especially as we got to spend time as a family which seems to be rare these days.

I have a busy week ahead so will try and pop in as often as I can.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday to me! Today is my birthday and I've had a lovely day with the kids. We stayed at home which wasn't what I originally intended but that's what we ended up doing.

The kids helped me unwrap my presents this morning which was all very exciting and then there was cake in the afternoon which is even more exciting. Maybe making the cake nearly caused as much excitement too with fingers dipping in the mixture and the licking of bowls and spoons.

And then there was cake for afternoon toea and another after dinner that night! Little Miss R hates chocolate (shocking I know) and I love it so we had a non chocolate cake for arvo tea with pink icing and a choccy one for dessert that night. How spoilt to have two cakes!!

And this is me on the day of my 36th Birthday.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My First Blanket

Yay! I've completed my first big project which is Master M's blanket. I've been working on this on and off for a few months now and have finally finished stitching it all together which was an absolute pain in the butt I can tell you. (I'm trying the join as you go method for Little Miss R's blanket)

I'm so proud of it though even though when you look closely you realise just how bad a job I've done. It's mine and I'm just so happy that I've achieved something crafty which I never thought I had it in me. Hope your all as excited as I am!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Busy days

The last few days have been very busy and that's mainly because I'm back at work. The end of the week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) are my work days so I probably won't be posting too much on those days.

Work was busy but good and then Saturday night we went to our neigbours birthday party and had a lovely time. We didn't stay long, just for drinks, play for the kids and long enough for a nice chat before coming home. The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet too although that really only means Sunday and we're pretty boring and don't do too much on those days.

Monday dawned cool and cloudy so I decided that it was play and craft day with the kids. We made little butterfly puppets on sticks or that was the original intention. We ended up with all different shapes as well as glue, sticky tape and glitter everywhere! It was worth it as the kids had a ball and enjoyed every minute of it (so did mummy!)

(Miss R using plenty of glitter glue because it's 'pretty and sparkly').

(Mummy's is the purple and yellow one but I just had to have some help decorating)

The rest of the day was spent crocheting for me (I finished my first blanket! Yay!) I'll show you more of that next post as I'm very excited. The kids were pretty happy playing with balloons all day. Kim from next door gave them some balloons from her party on Saturday night and it's been one of the best toys out. Luckily only one of the four has busted so far and that caused much devastation so I'm glad the others are holding together pretty well. The kidlettes have been happy playing with the balloons for AGES which of course has kept mum quite happy too!!

All in all it's been a pretty good day doing fun things with the kidlettes and getting lots of kisses and cuddles. It doesn't seem to matter what else is going on in your life but when a child gives you a big sloppy kiss on the cheek and says 'I love you mummy', you realise that things are pretty good.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Uncle I

Today is my Uncle's birthday. He's been a wonderful Uncle to my sister, brother and myself and as he's never married and has no children of his own, you could say that we are considered his 'kids' too.

Now that the next generation are along he's finding that he's loving being a great uncle so much and the kidlettes all adore him as well. He helped me out so much during a very stressful time in the year after Master M was born and I shall forever be greatful for his help, support and just being there for an arvo cup of tea and chat to give me some adult conversation.

I know your birthday dinner of creamy chicken, mushroom and sundried tomato casserole with cheesy star scones on top doesn't look like much but wasn't it ABSOLUTELY DIVINE in taste. I can't believe there's any left actually.

Happy Birthday to you! I know you say you're too old for candles and cake but I say that you're NEVER too old! The little ones expect candles and cake for birthday's though, even if only to get to blow them out themselves. Yes, must have little helpers to do all of that huffing and puffing!

Happy Birthday Uncle I. Thank you for your support, company and fun times with the kids. Love you. :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I so LOVE storms! Here I was thinking that the weather's getting cooler and winter's starting to come but no, summer decided to have a little flutter before it's gone for another year.

It's been a bit of a muggy day so I really can't be too surprised that we have storms around. The first, third and fourth photos are of the storm that passed a bit north of our house first and the second photo is from our front yard looking at the next storm coming which we probably will get a bit of.

I just love the whole build up to a storm. The building clouds changing from white to grey then to black, and then the thunder starting is enough to make me quiver with excitement! I also love that earthy smell that you get just before the storm hits. That's one of the few things I love about the summer's where I live, the pretty amazing storms that we have often. Unfortunately they can be quite destructive too but we have been lucky enough to have not received any damage so far.

These are probably the last storm images you'll see from me until next summer. Once summer comes you'll probably get pretty sick of seeing them because I'll be too excited not to take loads of photos and tell you about them. I'm getting all excited just thinking about it now!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

I've been very busy the last few days as I've started at a new salon a bit further drive from where I live. It's a much busier salon so I have guaranteed days and it's really, really busy so I'm always on the go. I'm love, Love, LOVING it!!!

There was much excitement yesterday morning in the house just before I had to go to work as I heard the tell tale sound of a hot air balloon flame. I ran outside to see where it was and was shocked to see it just above the neighbours house. We could easily see and talk to the people in the balloon so I quickly got the kids outside so we could all have a look and a wave which was nearly too much excitement for the kidlettes. I only thought of my camera after it had gone but it was moving quite quickly that we would've missed all the excitement had I run in to get it. Another time maybe (if they ever come past this way again!!)

Today is Mother's Day and unbelievably I didn't have the kidlettes running in early to wake me up. Lovely hubby bundled them in to watch morning cartoons and let me have a sleep in which was divine. The excitement came a bit later when I got out of bed and was ceremoniously given presents and then it was all excitement seeing what I had. Chocolates are a must of course (especially Lindt dark and mint ones: YUMMY!! but I don't think my hips, thighs and bum will be too happy). I also got a pasta machine which I've been wanting for ages and may have hinted at a couple of times (I'm not one of those mums who hate kitchen appliances as gifts, I love anything kitcheny actually!).

The kidlettes also picked out some things to give to mummy and they know me so well as they bought notebooks, notepads and pens. Aaahhh, how I love stationery. I have hoards of it which comes in handy when doing craft with the kids and I'm sure there are others out there who have a little thing for stationery. I'm really not alone, am I???????? I also got some lovely rainbow bath salts and a handprint picture courtesy of daycare that were wrapped up beautifully in the kids artwork and presented with much excitement. I love those presents they make themselves, especially watching their faces as you open it because you know that they're so proud to give you something they made.

While mummy cuddled up on the lounge with her two little ones watching cartoons, daddy cooked a lovely, artery hardening breaky of bacon, beans and eggs. I haven't had a good fry up in ages and it was bloody yummy.

I have to admit that after my mornng coffee, Mother's Day turned into a bit of a fizzer. I'd love to be able to tell you about all the wonderful thing that happened but if truth be known, once the obligatory breakfast is done, hubby usually ends up playing computer games for the rest of the day and pretty well ignores all else. A little frustrating but at least I got to spend time with my kidlettes which are the reason why I'm allowed to celebrate mother's day in the first place. I also made a rally yummy beef and burgandy pie for dinner which all enjoyed and I did get some crochet time while enjoying a beautiful autumn day. It was quite lovely really!!

Kidlettes are now in bed so I'm off to enjoy my usual nightly cup of tea and an indulgent piece of baked cheesecake!

Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kidlette days

It's certainly been a day for the kids around here (big and little). It's been such a gorgeous day that I just wanted to spend some time with the kids doing kiddy things so we've been playing outside on the swings, riding bikes and running around the yard. Then it was Master M's nap time so Little Miss R and I got the puzzles and pencils out and had a wonderful time puzzling and colouring.

Then off course Master M woke up and decided that he wanted to be in on the action too and threw puzzle pieces and pencils all around the room. The photo of my lounge is just after that moment and thank goodness just before all the toy trucks and cars got added into the jumble. Not happy moments when the cleaning up had to be done, nowhere near as much fun a making the mess!!

The afternoon was some quiet time for me, sitting on our outside lounge doing some more crocheting while the neighbours 3 kids joined ours and lots of noise, running, playing, bubble blowing,chalk drawing and plenty of tackling went on. It was so lovely to see them all having so much fun. Happy moments indeed!