Sunday, August 22, 2010

My salon

I haven't been lost and nothing bad has certainly happened to me, I've just been very busy lately and so finding the time to write on my blog has been very difficult. Lets face it, I've also had a case of the "I couldn't be bothered's too" so that's pretty well why I've been so quiet.

One of the reason's why I've been so busy is that I have bought my own beauty salon. It's a gorgeous little one treatment room salon in the town of Samford, just out of Brisbane and I just love having my own business. I find it quite funny that I had no intention of owning my own business for a few years yet but this one came up and after a bit of a chat with my very supportive husband, I'm now a business woman!

The first 3 photos are various views of the treament room.

Isn't it just gorgeous!

Funnily enough, the decor isn't something I ever would have done myself but I love it and it actually really suits me and the kind of treatments that I'm offering.

The last photo is a view of my reception area. Don't you just love the chandeliers! I'm loving going to work each day, especially when I get to work here.

Samford is such a lovely villagey place too and the clients I have treated so far have been lovely and very encouraging so I think that it's certainly a wonderful place to have a business.

I promise to keep you posted a bit more often on what's going on from now on (I hope!)

Keep smiling.
