Camp was where we spent a lot of time in our 4 or so days at Cania Gorge. The main reason for that was because it rained so much but we did have moments when we could get out and about to do some outdoorsy things.
Making campfires is one definate things that you have to do while camping.
We got one night in all the nights away when we could actually light a campfire because it wasn't raining.
It was so fantastic to be able to sit around it, stoke it up, chat and watch the kids enjoying it. Thank goodness we had one good night!
There was plenty of bird life around the camp as well which is not unusual.
The birds love to see what they can scavenge from campsite and the Currawongs are no exceptions. We had plenty of them as well as magpies and kookaburras around trying to steal from under the tarps so we had to keep everything packed away pretty well.
The kids were entertained by riding their bikes, kicking balls and running around with sticks and making up some interesting games and imaginative roleplays which was quite cute to listen into.
We also had a night when there was a sausage sizzle put on by the park owners. It happened between downpours and the snags were cooked to perfection over the communal campfire in the middle of the park.
We got to meet other lovely campers who all knew about us mainly because of the kids. We were the only one with kids in the park (middle of the school term and not holidays), so everyone pretty well heard where we were.
We were intending to be away for nearly two weeks but in the end we left home on Thursday and arrived back home on Monday afternoon.
Lovely hubby got a bit ill with a middle ear problem called Vertigo and we ended up at Monto hospital on Saturday arvo because we had no idea what was going on.
He couldn't stand up straight because he kept having head spins and falling over so we thought it best to get it checked out at home.
So we were so looking forward to spending nearly a month away going up to
Cape York.
Because of Lovely hubby's work that ended up having to be cut short so we decided on a couple of weeks away to Cania Gorge and we would decide where to go after that.
In the end we were away for 5 days and two of those days were spent driving.
I had to drive all the way home from Cania Gorge to home on the Monday because Lovely hubby is not allowed to drive.
We left at 11 am and got home about 4.45pm. I did a bloody good job if I say so myself pulling a heavy trailer and quickly learning how to tow things up and down hilly ranges.
It was great and has given me a lot more confidence although I know I couldn't do it by myself in future, I'm just too short and not strong enough to set everything up so I'll always need help.
Back to normal blog stuff soon as our holiday is definately over (sigh.....).
xx Susan