Thursday, April 29, 2010

Australia Zoo

I just love living so close to Australia Zoo (3km in fact) as it's the perfect few hours our with the kids when we're in some real need of stimulation. We've certainly needed some stimulation lately as the days just seem to be blending into each other and the kids (and mum) have all been getting a trifle bored.

So at the mention of going to the zoo there was a great deal of squealing and excitement and constant asking whether it was time to go yet! With morning tea and a flask of coffee packed it was off for a lovely jaunt looking at the animals (Master M was pretty excited about the big croc croc's), and then our usual stop for morning tea at the playground. The kids swing, slide and climb while mum sits sipping her coffee, keeping an eye on things and just enjoying a lovely moment watching her two little ones having such fun and playing nicely together (rare).

We never spend the whole day at the zoo as there's just too much to do and see and it is a big day for little ones. We usually pick an area (today was crocs, dingoes, tortoises, tassy devils,elephants, more crocs and alligators), then play in the playground before going home. Aaahh, the convenience of having an annual pass and living so close, it means that we can see a few things and then head home for Master M's nap time BEFORE the kids get overtired and grumpy.

Little Miss M is quite upset that she didn't see the emu, ride the horse or look at the spikey things (echidna's), so it looks like we'll be heading out again next week for a morning. Quite hard to take I'm sure.

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