Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Things are starting to get a little easier but then hubby's been home so that always helps.  He left to go back to work this morning so we'll see how we go for the next 4 or 5 days.

Today we went to Nan and Poppy's for a bit of a play for awhile.  The kidlettes always LOVE going around there and I don't mind having a chat either.

One of their favourite things to play on is the pot plant stand.  It's great to sit on and zoom around the verandah.

Picking carrots from Nana's garden is always a treat too.  My two love carrots so Nana usually has some growing so they can pick them, wash them and chomp on them bugs bunny style while they're playing.

Once we got home then the kidlettes had some play time and I got to do a bit more of the blanket I'm re-doing.  It's been slow progress making this one with everything else that's been going on (mainly Master M and his disasters).

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend.

xx Susan

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