Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Slow moments

I have had two sick cherubs home the past few days.

They are both having quite a bit of rest....

...on the mattress and lounge in the living room.

Dry toast and chicken soup has pretty well been the menu for the past few days.

Rest time with the air conditioner on because it's well into the mid 30's celcius which means it's hot and really steamy and sticky.

A midday storm has gone through which is not surprising considering the weather.

There was lots of lightning and thunder booming right over head which was pretty exciting.

Now it looks like Little Miss R will be missing her third day of school.  Master M is fine now and Little Miss R is nearly there but I think one more day should get her back on track.

That means it's another day of toast, soup, movies and I think I'll just have to have some hooky time as I haven't picked up my crochet hook in well over a week now!  Terrible I know.

xx Susan

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