Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some side projects

What do you do when you get close to the end of a project?

You start another one (or two) of course.

I'm getting close to finishing hubby's granny stripe blanket and last weekend I just had a NEED to do something a little different.  I didn't want to start another blanket (mainly because of lack of yarn), so I looked through some of my books for inspiration.

I found this.....

...and as anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a bit of a bag lady (he he), then I thought this was the perfect project.

I searched my stash of yarn until I found the perfect stuff to make this with.  Do you remember this...

I started making some African flowers with it awhile ago but to tell the truth, I really don't like working with this particular yarn very much.  I also wasn't really happy with the way the flowers were turning out so I've sort of given up on that particular project for the moment. 

It has left me with some yarn that would be perfect to make a bag though so I picked some colours that I knew Little Miss R would love (this will be her bag), and made a start.

Once I worked out what I needed to do with the bottom of the bag, it all started to flow quite easily.

Then some stripey sides were added...

..and the main part of the bag was completed.  I still need to make the handles, get some waterproof canvas then line the inside before sewing the handles on. 

That means there'll be a little delay in finishing my bag project so I began another one.

It's will be a beautiful, soft stole that's quite open. I'm really loving this one too.

You'll just have to wait until I've finished them before the big reveal.

xx Susan

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