Tuesday, October 25, 2011


For a change of pace, I'll stop writing about birthday's etc for this post and go back to crochet.  Not very original I know but there you go.

If you've been reading over the last couple of months you would know that I'm making scarves for Little Miss R's teachers.  The first one I made was the higgledy-piggeldy one which you can see in this post.

Then I decided that it might not be quite right so I found a ball of wool, alpaca and silk mix in my stash in a gorgeous burgandy colour and made an open weave scarf.  I do so love this one.

Then because I liked that one so much I ferretted through my stash again and found a beautiful soft wool/cashmere blend and did another similar scarf but not quite so open this time.

I'm so glad I decided to make these two as I believe they are perfect for her teachers.  Little Miss R thinks so too and in her forthright manner has told me which of the teachers must get which scarf.  Luckily we are on the same wave length and I agree with her choices.

We went to the Prep to year 2 concert last night which was a bit of a classic.  I'll let you know more in a future post. 

Until then, have a fantastic week.

xx Susan

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