Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The art of intention

Intention:    A course of action that one intends to follow

My life is filled with many intentions. 

Over the Christmas school holidays my intentions were written down in great long lists and included things like:

declutter bedroom cupboards
declutter kitchen cupboards
declutter bathroom cupboards
declutter ALL rooms
declutter garage

....I think you get the idea.

There was so much that I wanted to and really do need to get done but the school holidays just aren't the best time to do it. 

This is mainly because I have two little 'helpers' which means that whatever gets cleaned up soons turns out twice as messy because of all the goodies we find to do something with.

Many fights, wars, karate bouts and other sibling activities also become quite regular and I find myself thinking that it will be much easier to wait until Little Miss R goes back to school and I have just Master M to deal with.

Mmmm...yes...good INTENTIONS.

This is Little Miss R's second day back at school and I have a nice, lovely, pretty list (much nicer to follow when it's pretty), of things that I intend to do around the house.

The reality is that it's:

*  raining

*  perfect snuggling weather (because of the rain)

*  the Australian Open tennis is on which means:

*  I have been up late watching the tennis

*  I am tired because I've been staying up watching tennis and my alarm clock (Master M) wakes me up sometime between 5 and 6am with the constant yelling of 'MUMMY..MUMMY..MUMMY..MUMMY...........'

*  the fourth cricket test between Australia and India starts today

*  I've been spending some lovely moments catching up on my favourite blogs which I haven't had much chance to look at over the last couple of months

*  I have a lovely basket full of yarn which is just waiting for me to crochet it into something wonderful

*  I have therefore lost the inclination to much other than watch sport and do some crochet

On a positive side, I can do some pottering and decluttering in the rooms that have tv so I can watch the tennis and cricket at the same time.  I'm not doing a lot though, just enough to take the edge off the guilt.

...I'm sure I'll be crossing off those jobs on my list with a burst of energy sometime soon...it just won't be until after the cricket, tennis and probably even the rain ends.

xx Susan

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