Friday, January 20, 2012

A little hooky

It's been awhile since I've devoted a post just to crochet but I thought it was about time again.

So what have I been up to in 2012 so far?

Not a lot at first as I didn't get any crochet done for AGES but this last week has been quite productive.

Firstly there's the cotton blanket that I'm making for my bed.  This is going to be the first BIG project for me this year and I'm happy taking my time with it, doing little bits when I can.

I'm doing a flower hexagon design for the blanket in mainly white with pink centres.  Every so often there will be a green/teal sort of hexagon to break up the whiteness of the blanket.  We'll see how it turns out.

I've also been doing a couple of smaller things with flowers.

First I made some small flowers and blocked them so they didn't curl.  Then I made some larger flowers and strung them all together on a chain to make a bit of floral bunting.

It's now hanging in our house and I quite like it's cheerful colour but I'm not entirely sure what hubby thinks of it.

I'm also in the middle of another project which you can see the inspiration for here.  I'm really looking forward to finishing this one which will hopefully be done and dusted sometime in the next week.

That's it so far but I've decided that after my blanket making projects of last year it's time to try my hand at some different things.

That's why I'm doing these smaller projects as well as the main project of my bed blanket.  I like having one major project on the go with something else to help break things up a bit. 

Watch this space (over the next year that is..) to see what other little projects I decide to do.

xx Susan

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