Monday, February 6, 2012

It's hot!

It's sticky, humid and the sun burns your skin if you're out in it for a few minutes.  Not my favourite kind of weather at all!!

At least we have air conditioning and it's certainly going on early today.

The grass is growing so unbelievably fast that we virtually need to mow twice a week.  Once a week is all it's getting though and it's nearly a jungle by that time!

Aaaah, much better..

My parsley has gone beserk after all the rain we've had and the heat.  Little Miss R's happy about that as she loves chomping on parsley.  In fact, she broke off a piece to eat in the car on the way to school this morning.

My garlic which I planted months ago and thought had died has miraculously sprung back to life.  I was pretty excited about that!

Now I just have to keep Master M out of the sun during the hottest part of the day so it's indoor activities in the cool air conditioning for us.
It looks like we'll be doing puzzles, colouring in and watching the current favourite movie Peter Pan.
I'll hopefully get some crochet done and look through some northern hemisphere blogs where the snow is falling and just looking at the pictures cools me down.
Have a great week everyone.
xx Susan

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