Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A candle lit...

For Amanda Lecky who tragically passed away yesterday from injuries sustained in a car accident two weeks ago.

She has left behind a loving husband and 3 absolutely gorgeous children (9, 6 and 18 months).

Amanda, you will be missed.


Anonymous said...

This is very very sad. I was good friends with Amanda about 10 years ago but hadnt seen her for a long time. Over the weekend I heard that she had been in a serious accident and googled her name and your blog came up. How well did you know her? I'd be interested to hear about what she had been up to for the past few years, I'd been wanting to catch up with her but obviously it's too late for that now..


daydream in colour said...


I had only known Amanda for about a year as her middle son Jack and my Little Miss R were in the same prep class last year and are in the same Year 1 class this year.

Seeing her once or twice a day we developed a friendship which wasn't close but based on that afternoon and morning meeting. We got along really well and I know that our small school community has been devastated by this loss.

If you want any further information I'll try my best to help you out. Just email me at Hopefully I'll be able to answer any questions you have at this sad time.

xx Susan